Monday, September 24, 2012

Can The Damage Be Undone?

Listen to this Track (Leave The Light On) by the Oh-So Exceptional 'Beth Hart' on this YOUTUBE LINK HERE.
I seen myself with a dirty face - I cut my luck with a dirty ace - I leave the light on - I leave the light on - - I went from zero to minus ten - I drank your wine then I stole your man - I leave the light on - I leave that light on - Daddy ain't that bad he just plays rough - I ain't that scarred when I'm covered up - - I leave the light on - I leave the light on - Little girl hiding underneath the bed - Was it something I did - Must be something I said - I leave the light on, I better leave the light on - - 'Cause I wanna love - And I wanna live - I don't know much about it - And I never did - 17 and I'm all messed up inside - I cut myself just to feel alive - I leave the light on - I leave the light on - - 21 on the run, on the run, on the run - From myself, from myself and everyone - I leave the light on, I leave the light on - Better leave the light on - 'Cause I wanna love - And I wanna live - I don't know much about it - And I never did - I don't know what to do - Can the damage be undone - I swore to God that I'd never be - What I've become - Lucky stars and fairy tales - I'm gonna bathe myself in a wishin' well - Pretty scars from cigarettes - I never will forget, I never will forget - I'm still afraid to be alone - Wish that moon would follow me home - I leave the light on - I leave that light on - - I ain't that bad - I'm just messed up - I ain't that sad - But I'm sad enough - - Cause I wanna love - And I wanna live - I don't know much about it - And I never did - I don't know what to do - Can the damage be undone - I swore to God that I'd never be - What I've become - I leave the light, I leave the light - I leave the light on - - God bless the child with the dirty face - Who cuts her luck with a dirty ace - She leaves the light on - I leave that light on

Friday, September 7, 2012


I haven't written and published a post for over 15 months, I want to tell you why, I hope to be able to manage it.

I was unable not to write this morning after randomly reading the following tweet:
@KyleMacD More ACC skulduggery on 60 minutes this Sunday night... 60 minutes ACC story promo 15 Sep 2012

It led me to the following page (reluctantly signing into my Facebook...) : Facebook Video Post

Which after googling 60 minutes I found is originally from the TV3 Website,60 Minutes "Coming Soon"

People are dying and have been as a result of a systematic de-structuring of ACC to move closer to be able to an American (Bush) like Health Care System made up of Private Insurance Companies whose number one aim is Profit - or if you REALLY believe John Key & Co been so busy running the country thatthe former sounds like a conspiricy theory... then life altering negligence and a culture of fear, manipulation, intimidation, and incompetence within ACC and by it's Employees that has been just like [INSERT WORST THING IN UR LIFE U'VE HAD TO DEAL WITH, NO CHOICE] for already Victimised Client's trying to choose Life.Yeah yeah...I'm on my soapbox I know...will keep saying it my last breath - maybe future people can have a better chance at life.


20% would be taken out by it - no matter what...

Sounds and looks so much more dramatic like that. Imagine a new cancer with those stats if discovered. But is only Mental Health, and Acute PTSD from Trauma - and the way that I was told that those 1 in 5 (Hard data) would die... by their own hand.

So Any awareness and discussion around "the issue" I say Bravo.

Watch it. Talk about it. Become aware.

IF you are lucky enough to not know personally, or of someone affected by the Effect of recent actions by ACC ... then you can move on and check out your mates holidays pics...or play mafia wars and not bother to be or become Informed - and THEN IF you abstain I hope for the sakes of anyone you know that WHEN someone you know does need help to help themselves recover - that WE THAT ARE STANDING UP have done enough that there is a System in place in our democratic country that will allow them at least some choice as whether to try to Not Be the 1 in 5 that will die...I pray that for those with the luxury of unawareness of ALL this ACC Chaos that just 'don't really wanna know...' - that they will not be the ones that need a broken system themselves next year, that it will not be their daughters or sons, their brothers or sisters, their husbands, wives, co-worker, boss, or best friend, that in ANY way will need a Functional Public Health Care Sevice to be the difference in the odds of if they live or die.

Here I go...ranting again, sometimes feels like a broken record - but realising I'm trying to draw attention to the Importance of the Health of the Actual Health System that can extend lives, or play a part in them being snuffed out premeturely... THE ONE BIT I'VE NEVER FELT ABLE TO ADEQUETLY SUM UP IN WORDS...IS HOW THOSE PEOPLE THAT HAVE NOT CHOSEN TO NEED TO BE AN ACC CLAIMENT AS A RESULT OF INJURY...that after being Raped and/or Sexually Abused - don't know whether to be constantly suprised that actually survived the "Accident"*{*NB Please See Defintion of 'Accident' at end of post...just so as there no confusion that is just Danielle being all sensitive and confused again...), made it with a heart that still beats through something inflicted/caused with 'The Outcome' being such a fine line as to whether ".....and Murdered/Died From Injuries" etc is on the end of the 'Said Occurred Accident' - TO finding a place so dark no one should ever have to know it, and wondering if "Surviving" said 'Accident' (day after day) is possibly worse punishment than to have died as a result at the time of "Injury". So it is different to EVEN ASK FOR HELP than from falling off a ladder and being off work for 6 weeks in a caste with a broken wrist.

Sure Mistakes Happen. Nothing in Life is Perfect.
But if we're not careful, if it is allowed to continue - what has been happening, happened - and yes, is continuing within ACC - It Will All Be Looked Back On One Day In The Same Kind Of Light As things like the Racism towards the Aboriginees in Australia, the Stoning of Women in India, the Genocide of the Jews... It will be seen either by our Society being encompassed by another Sustainable one, or though a series of further errors and failures that would eventually leave no place to hide the wrong-ness -
That People or Persons that have been Victims of a Crime, Victims of an "Accident" of Rape and/or Sexual Assualt and/or Sexual Abuse ARE entitled to the same Level of Care to recover, adjust, get well, WOT- EVER as any other "Victim" of an "Accident" gets - and that We Are NOT Meant to Be A Country That IF and WHEN you recieve medical treatment depends on chance of birth and what Socio-Economic strata you JUST ARE. And without a doubt of at least the same expectation and fufilment of All aspects of care for these Victims....instead of possibly treating them with a tiny bit of extra kid-gloves (cause the 15 years old having her anus stitched back together MIGHT not be as Capable as Dealing with the System as the 34 year old Plumber who broke his toe playing for the Local Footy Club in the weekend) ... that as well as a range of general snowball of failings within the Organisation of ACC, that the Opposite was done - that those "Sensitive Claimants" had a higher rate of not recieving even the basic treatment, let alone any extra Support, Information, Care, etc to ensure the best Recovery Outcome result possible is at least KINDLY and FULLY available to these Claimants with not only possibly Physical Injuries and the Psychlogical Injury attached to absolutely any process or event in life - but with a lashing of any or all of Pyschological, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Physiological Damage that is thankfully has few ather 'Accident'/Incidence Descriptions in life that dish out without choice to the New ACC Claimant to see if and how life will be.

Do we want The System to be Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

I HIGHLY recommend watching SICKO by Mike Moore - - if you think that this has all come about because that the System was flawed to start with, (I WANT EVERYONE TO WATCH IT, I had so many 'Oh My Gawd' moments in it - like a 'pre-deja vu' feeling...and so want to know if is, like Just ME?) and that yes, all this mess has to be sorted out - but THAT POSSIBLY with the Privatised Healthcare System in Aotearoa that now this has just-possibly come about cause that a Publicly Run Health Care System isn't really viable anyway, and that just-possibly the etiology of All-ACC-Related-"Stuff" is proof of this...well - IF YOU have read through the below: (just a taste)...

- The Swamp Report -
- Off The Couch -
- Scattered Pieces -
- A Girls Life -
- K1W1 -

...and then can provide ANY reasonable kind of explination, justification...etc (blah, blah, blah - anything that 'Supports' the Past, and Current Actions by People like Denise Cosgrove and Peter Jansen in anyway but totally corrupt and morally reprehensible I would be so very interested to know (I'm not being sarcastic - I truly mean this!)

accident (countable and uncountable; plural accidents)
1. An unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering the consequences.
to die by an accident
2. Any chance event.
3. (uncountable) Chance.
4. (transport, vehicles) An unintended event such as a collision that causes damage or death.
There was a huge accident on I5 involving 15 automobiles.
My insurance is expensive now, mostly because of those two accidents.
5. Any property, fact, or relation that is the result of chance or is nonessential.
Beauty is an accident.
6. (euphemistic) An instance of incontinence.
7. (euphemistic) An unintended pregnancy.
8. (philosophy, logic) A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness.
9. (grammar) A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, as gender, number, case.
10. (geology) An irregular surface feature with no apparent cause.
11. (heraldry) A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms.
12. (law) casus; such unforeseen, extraordinary, extraneous interference as is out of the range of ordinary calculation.
13. (military) An unplanned event that results in injury (including death) or occupational illness to person(s) and/or damage to property, exclusive of injury and/or damage caused by action of an enemy or hostile force.
14. (uncountable, philosophy, rare) Appearance, manifestation.

Just A Girl
Right Here - Right Now