But saying that, what I have read so far is EXTREMELY HOPEFUL. It seems as if the Panel have done a wonderful job, and there is much more of a chance now of victims of Sexual Abuse and Rape being able to access the care they need in the future. And in my situation at the moment I am trying to think that writing this blog and going to speak in front of the Panel, and being open with my situation publicly in the Sunday Star Times, even if I am not going to get the care I need, at least it was worth it if it means that future Survivors wanting to get help to help themselves will never have to suffer the indignities and difficulties that I've been put through by ACC.
In light of my blog's purpose, to document openly MY experiences with ACC I'm posting a large portion of my DATA (Diagnostic & Treatment Assessment Report) which I attended at the end of October. After a 2 minute phone call from my Case Manager (Selena Domingaz) at ACC to tell me that I only had 5 remaining sessions of subsidised therapy, and me collapsing when I was out; my wonderful Therapist then got on the case & worked out they'd suddenly 'decided' I'd never had a DATA so they were going to stop my care. My Therapist (recognising the urgency perhaps) went to great lengths to set up a DATA with an ACC Authorised Treatment Provider very quickly.
When reading this keep in mind this from the recent Report:
" Recommendation 11
That a proportion of claimants may be required to undergo an assessment for cover from an assessor who is not their treatment provider before a decision about cover is taken or to review ongoing therapy. These assessors should themselves be experts who have worked with sexual abuse victims and, wherever possible and desired by the client, the client’s usual treatment provider should also be involved in the formal assessment process and in determining appropriate treatment goals and plans."
Page 1

Pages 2-4 contain some quite historic personal information about my actual attacks, so I will list the headings of what is covered on the missing pages:
- Method of Addressing Referral
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Re experiencing the trauma
- Avoidance of Stimuli Associated with the Trauma
- Increased Arousal Symptoms
- Depression
- Past Mental Health History
- Medication
- Family History
- Relationship History
- Mental Status
- Formulation
Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Page 8

Page 9

Page 10

Hopefully it is all readable! Can someone please let me know? It is really important to me that it is, so if it isn't I will amend this post and ensure it is.
Out of a WHOLE 10 pages there is only 1 SENTENCE referring to 'Segar House' as POSSIBLE extra ON TOP OF and SUPERVISED by the Therapist I was seeing. Yeah, that's right, the 'Highly Qualified and Experienced ACC Assessor' recommended in October 2009 that I remain attending sessions with my therapist then. But of course that is NOT what ACC decided or actioned :(
This is just one of many pieces of Clinical Evidence showing that ACC's actions and decisions around my Sensitive Claim, Care and Treatment decisions over the last 11 months, and up to and including the most recent Letter, have been at best a series of terribly damaging mistakes, and at worst, something I can't fully describe but what feels at times like being treated like 'something to be gotten rid of' through calculated manipulation. It's left me physically, mentally, emotionally and financially broken. Because of me scrambling to try and pay lawyer's fee's & attempting to try and finance the care I need over this time, I am now for the first time in my life up to my neck in debt and that I can't see my way out of. I now can't afford to even get a bus to therapy and back, let alone get my dog the medical (vet) care she needs or pay my rates.
The nightmares are worse than ever.
Yes, they are readable and thank you for sharing them. I have to say that is a very good and comprehensive report and better than any of the one's I have had with ACC. I don't see how they could dispute that really!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about you when I read the report released yesterday and quite a few things stuck out for me about it and your situation.
Firstly, the Panel condemned a lot of the commnication or lack of with claimants. Also, the needs around special groups which aren't being catered for currently, including people with a mental illness. Plus around all denied claims needing to be resubmitted and treated as NEW claims and current treatment providers needing to be part of this assessment process (as directed by the claimant).
I suspect all these areas (and probably more) will have some significance to you and your battle. Anyway, I know you aren't in a good space but I just saw some light shining in your direction from the report. Thinking of you! xoxo
I am SO sorry the nightmares are worse. You are probably not getting a rest from anything right now. Poor you - I really hope today is a better day and that you can get some sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteYour DATA was readable (clicking on the images opens a larger version). I received my first one back recently and I was a mess for a week - so please don't feel that your reaction isn't normal! It triggered lots of self-esteem issues and I felt like a big pile of crap. I took every line as a criticism, even the positive ones, so I haven't read it again. :)
I took a lot of hope from the panel's report. The expert legal opinion is damning about ACC's understanding of causation and diagnosis. The panel pulls no punches and acknowledges the delays (especially for children), poor communication, retraumatisation, etc, etc. There are some very stark comments about ACC's failings. For example, sensitive claims made by children, intellectually disabled people and adolescents should be traiged on the same day the claim is lodged - for obvious reasons - but the median time between Nov 09 and Feb 10 was FIVE WEEKS. The longest took TEN MONTHS to be triaged - and these are called "priority 1" clients! If this sort of stuff is coming out, light is finally shining on the swamp :)
I cannot describe anything better than Annelise and grm as they obviously have more knowledge than me on the subject, so I will offer you my support.
ReplyDeleteFirst thank you for sharing your report. I am proud of you for being so open... even I am struggling to do that. From what I have read you have come a long way and there is hope there of everything going in a positive direction for you.
I am sorry to hear about your nightmares it is unfair on a nice person such as yourself. I am not sure if this is good advice, but take things a step at a time and look after yourself. You are much more valuable to some people than you think. Thinking of you :-)
I just had a thought last night and I am not sure if you know this or not, but if you are on a benefit you are entitled to special needs grants via WINZ. So you can get around $400 for food a year plus I would assume other things.
ReplyDeleteJust trying to help out. Take care.