Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Twitting & Blogging' just an 'Airbrushing'...'Spiel'

Someone has just likened me to a 'dog chasing it's tail' (comment by Saphira on a post, conveniently with no link or real name).

For the most part with having this blog online I have not responded to comments, or treated it interactively, mainly this has been because the posts I have managed to put up here once a week, or month, have been the maximum I've been capable of writing at anytime with trying to be responsible as possible for my own safety and how upsetting these issues are to think about, let alone write about.

"Zadok said...
Denis Cosgrove did not slag you, get it right
1 She said thast ACC had spent over $65,000 on you, not necessarily on counselling.
@ As for Segar House, you have blooged in the last few blogs about being directed to Segar House by ACC.
Now who is being "economical" with the truth here"
How about telling us what ACC did provide for you for a start and why you are resisting their sugesstions."


"Saphira said...
Why dont you just tell the whole truth instead of airbrushing out the bits you dont like.
You were given an offer of Segar House but instead you disparage it as "Rainbows End"
Also Denise Cosgrove made comment yes, but with all the spiel you have been blogging and twitting, it's not hard to get "quotes" from you now is it.
Think about it, and take the offer instead of going round in circles like a dog chasing it's tail."

I think if I start writing from the heart in response to these that this post could get a little long, and I probably won't be able to finish writing it.
Just to be clear.

(1) There has not EVER been a referral for me @ Segar House. And I've never said ANYTHING negative about Segar House.

(2) I hope that the two people that read the above comments can be satisfied with the effects their words have had. I've been attempting to go on Twitter (Tweet) and write a blog to record the facts as they are happening.

(3) ACC had a week before the Sunday Star Times Article was published to formulate their comments, with open invitation from me and the reporter. I in no way edited anything Peter Jensen said. I do not believe that Denise Cosgrove has the right as a Staff Member of ACC to make a Public Statement about me and my SENSITIVE claim.

(4) If you had a broken leg, would you want to do what all the top Orthopedic Surgeons, Doctors and your GP were saying would be the best care possible for fixing your leg OR would you want the Organisation funding the care to try and over-ride all of these opinions (AND I MEAN ALL) and first attempt to decide you should get a TOTALLY different treatment, and then PUBLICLY say this when actually there is no paperwork with any of the Treatment Providers involved supporting this FICTITIOUS statment.

Normally after I write a post for at least 24 hours I am going over in my head the level of disclosure that I have CHOSEN to make with obviously having to include facts about my own life to show clearly what ACC's actions and behaviour are throughout this ordeal.

I'm not sure what else I want to write at the moment, my tweeting has been about trying to stay connected with the world during a pretty hard period in my life.

If you want to come out and say I'm a liar, Just Fucking Do It.

Even in my darkest hurt I wouldn't wish on you or anyone the on-going symptoms of my trauma that I live with.

Sounds like I am meant to keep my mouth shut more.


  1. don't let the bastards get you down :-)

    They probably haven't been through what you have & so can't begin to understand...

    for them its about continued pressure on ACC to keep costs down - i'm sure they're looking for ways to minimise money paid out. Its obvious they are not dwelling on the 'human' content.. they certainly aren't into rocking up for a walk in your shoes.

    Cause if they did - well - things would be different.

    don't be silent - please don't be intimidated - say your say

    you're brave woman - i salute you


  2. Danielle,

    I did not call you a liar, nor do I wish to intimidate you.

    I too have been where you have been and still walk the walk.

    What I'm saying is with all your blogging and twitting, it is putting personal, sensitive information into the public domain for all to comment on, including ACC staff. Be judicious in what you put online if you do not want it to be used by anyone.

    I'm suggesting to you that Segar House may be a great altenative offer, what do you have to loose? Give it a go for a few months, it could change your life situation for the better.

    I apologise if what I said appeared as a attack, far from it but ACC has helped in the past and did they not offer an alternative to you, which admittedly, may hold fears for you. You have to make a move, why not just try onre thing at a time.

  3. Even if someone wants to disagree with you, they needn't be so horrible about it. You are so brave putting your story out there - and I KNOW your efforts help others. Hang in there :)

  4. Wow, it's amazing to me that ACC would even comment on a blog like this. That is what happens when "admin and managers" with NO clinical experience or registration run a service. Notice Peter Jansen is no longer commenting. He knows FULL well he is accountable to his Professional body for breach of confidentially etc.... so he palms it off to the Managers who have A LOT less to lose.
