Thursday, August 5, 2010

ACC and Sex Abuse

"ACC and sex abuse
0 Comments | Sunday Star - Times; Wellington, New Zealand, May 30, 2010

DENISE COSGROVE'S letter (May 23) endeavouring to mitigate ACC's stance relative to Danielle Martin goes well beyond what any fair- minded person should regard as ethical. Martin's health issues, particularly those of "pre-condition'', have no relevance to her presumably assessed and accepted sexual abuse claim and most certainly should not have been exposed in the media. No medical practitioner would dream of such a breach.

If Martin has ongoing issues from the abuse then ACC, by its very mandate, is to provide treatment until it is no longer required.

William Anderson
Howick, Manukau City

Sunday Star Times, Copyright of Fairfax New Zealand Limited 2009, All rights reserved.
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved."
It's sometime in the middle of the night and I came across this in my email that I had actually found a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was relevant to post on my blog.

I actually had just spent a HUGE amount of time and energy writing a blog earlier this evening (like had taken me hours, my functionality makes it sooo difficult to focus on this stuff that makes my heart go fast and my lungs want to stop) so if you are reading this because you are at the beginning but haven't read the one from earlier this evening then please CLICK HERE to read it .

I wish I could stand on a street corner, the Corner of Queen Street and Victoria, with one of those sandwich billboards on either side of me, with the Truth written on it, and instead of people just walking past they wouldn't even really have to read it so much, it would just be so clear they would just look and see and understand from seeing... and then after the People See The Truth there would be this ripple of the Universe being righted in someway because of the People's need for that. Now I just need to find a falling star to try and make my wish come true.


  1. You have been busy... That was a very good response from Mr Anderson. Hopefully the Government are aware of the feedback from people like Mr Anderson and survivors like yourself and stop being arrogant and resolve the issues they created.

    I hope you wishes come true too. Stay safe and take care.

  2. I think Mr Nick Smith ought to get real and spend a few bucks if necessary on rape survivors. If we can spend 80,000+ per year housing criminals its justified. We can also cut by 50% the amount of elected representives in parliment. Every 10 politicians cut will save approximately 1.6 million per year, thats alot of therapy! ~ kiwiperson
