Saturday, August 14, 2010

ACC ignores me, again, i just don't matter.

This is an email that I sent to the following Staff Members at ACC on Wednesday 11th August. It is now Saturday and I have had no response, acknowledgement, or anything in anyway in reply, let alone an actual answer to my question. I'm not even worth an acknowledgement.
Subject: Urgent Question regarding recent Press Release
T0:Selena Dominguez; Rachael Stephenson; Jen Lofthouse; Michelle Wogen

Dear Jen,

I understand that you are my acting Case Manager in Michelle Wogan's absence. However I am uncertain if Michelle Wogan is my Case Manager as there was a written agreement in my file to inform in writing myself and my Treatment Providers if there is a change in Case Manager, and this has not happened. I have had no information otherwise that my Case Manager has been changed from Selena Dominguez, except as an aside on the ending of a Cover Letter with a Courier Package I recieved from ACC recently.

In regards to this confusion I am copying this to not only Michelle, but also to Selena, and also to Rachael Stephenson who I understand to be the new General Manager. As you can see I am also copying this to **** **** as my treating Psychotherapist and also **** ****, my ACC Advocate. I would like your reply correspondence to be cc'd to these two people.
With regard to the recent media release made by ACC: as in this link, I need a fairly urgent reply to the Question:

Under the terms of this Information will I be granted immediate subsidised care?

I think I probably know the answer to this but I require an answer in writing urgently, before the end of working day tomorrow, Thursday 12 August.

Danielle Martin

You see, on Wednesday, when all the 'NEWS' started coming out with regards to ACC Sensitive Claims as I've said in a previous post I was doing my best to understand what it all meant.
Though I am an ardent Supporter of most of the Organisations, People and Services under the 'Helpful Sites/Info for Survivors' box to the right of the screen; AND also part of writing this blog, exposing my 'story' publicly and speaking out IS ABOUT ME BELIEVING IN THE NEED FOR A FAIR AND JUST SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR SURVIVING VICTIMS OF RAPE, SEXUAL ABUSE & TRAUMA, and me have been trying to do 'my bit' in anyway I can for other's currently and those to come who through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN MAY HAVE NEED OF A SAFE SERVICE.
I am also a Victim/Survivor myself, who has been on what I can only describe as a Roller-coaster Ride (provided by ACC) in the Theme-Park called life. Now I've been through the 'House of Horrors', the 'Mirrored Maze', and even the 'Ghost Train'. It's been a 'Roller-coaster Ride' that I have had no way to get off of, there has been no 'this way out' provided. It has been going round and round and up and down, going slowly sometimes and never knowing whether there is a sharp turn or a scream inducing drop up next. I have been treated at best like a problem to be dealt with, at worst AS A NOTHING, just a claim number and a statistic that will drop through the crack.

You will notice in the above email that I refer to 'my current treating Psychotherapist', I am now, and have been for sometime in the position that if I want to see any of my Treatment Provider's that I have try and borrow money that I have no idea if and when I'll be able to pay back or try to understand and accept offers of heavily discounted services, when in all truth that is not really fair on them.

I've been trying to scan/upload/attach the relevant documents so you could see them for yourself, so they are on here as proof, but I am tired and not tech-savy enough to manage it. So you'll have to believe me that a quote from the letter that I received on 30 July 2010 from ACC says:
"ACC is happy to assist you with further treatment for your covered mental injuries of PTSD and Depression once you have completed a period of more intensive therapeutic work at Segar House..."

Segar House, that old chestnut... I don't have the energy to write ALL the information attaching ALL the links here. It's all through my posts, it's not where I am 'meant' to be going, except according to Denise Cosgrove, Peter Jensen, and Gillian Pow.

I am tired, I am don't have any 'BRAVE' left, I am so very tired of being so scared, I am so ashamed of the way I am.


  1. Don't give up. ACC may or may not care, but the people who follow your blog and your friends do.

    You have been through a lot and I admire you for for what you have done so far. It has shown a lot of bravey. I am not sure I could manage it with the same kindness and caring you have shown for others.

    Don't be ashamed of accepting discounted services or borrowing money. Someones well being is worth a lot more than money. Money can always be made again.

    Take care.

  2. Well, it's all a very sad state of affairs and I would be surprised if ACC extended the olive branch to you now even with the changes. They are not even providing help for those whom claims have been denied as they believe the only issue with the pathway is the delay in people being assessed for the DSM-IV diagonsis and are therefore offering this counselling in the meantime. As you have a DSM-IV diagnosis, they will probably say this change doesn't apply to you. But who knows.... they seem to be making the half arsed rules up as they go so anything (or soon I say NOTHING) is possible with them.

    The staff (your case manager whoever that is now) probably has NO idea of how it will work now either therefore can't answer your question. To give ACC the benefit of the doubt, I wouldn't take this personally as they do it to us all...keep us hanging and NOT informed... gee this is just EXPECTED practice from ACC isn't it?

    I have had an exhausting week with ACC myself so know how frustating and exhausting they are. It never use to be like this. I too am so much WORSE off mentally for this PATHWAY...for the cross-examination like you're on trial, for the many brutual assessments, for the lack of privacy, for the delays, for the OVERALL treatment by ACC staff etc, etc, etc.

    I guess all we can do is live in HOPE and keep putting one foot in front of the other and just know we (and namely YOU) are not alone in this ACC nightmare.

    Hugs xx

  3. I am going through the same ugly process myself. They are all 'ducking for cover'. Nine months later, I am STILL nor further ahead with ACC making a decision as to whether I am entitled to weekly compensation or not.

    And please do NOT give Rachael Stephenson a bigger head than she already has and let her think she has that much power by being a General Manager - she is a TEAM MANAGER - one of the worst kind that you can ever come across or have the misfortune to deal with. One VERY DANGEROUS WOMAN.

    Hang in there Danielle. Think of these morons in this way - these two quotes really do explain the idiots down at the Insensitive,in humane No claims Unit.

    "It's not the laughter or inability to use language that distinguishes humans from the animals, but his capacity for incompetence".

    AND: "Egotisim is the anaesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity" (Frank Lesley - a wise old Notre Dame football coach of the 1940's).

    These people at the SCU are not only stupid but they are incompetent and the only way in which they cope is to let their egotism dull them so that they don't get to think of their stupidity.

    As for Dr Jansen - conspicous by his absence in coming out into the open since the changes were announced. His pet project that he masterminded is in tatters - and he hopefully he will be gone soon.

    Stay strong Danielle.

  4. I so empathise with you Danielle! Found you through TNC. The government's are determined to cut resources and they are doing it very sneakily. It is people like you who are fighting back...and there are a few, who are also exposing the hippocracy that is meant to be our democratic system of things. all I can say is keep doing what you are doing, but don't waste your precious therapy discussing THEM! They are not worth the effort.

    PS: I tried to put in my wordpress blog but it came up with a Warning: URL Contains illegal characters? Which it doesn' I will put my link on here for you. Jx
